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Nelson Primary School Home Learning Hub

Welcome to the Nelson Primary School Home Learning Hub! Here, you'll find a collection of free online resources to help you continue your learning at home. These have been organised by age and subject to make it easier for you to find what you need. Don't forget, you can also access our Curriculum Visions using the login details provided by your teacher, and Times Tables Rock Stars for practising your multiplication skills!

Our pupils in years 3-6 are allocated chromebooks to take home after signing a home-school loan agreement. These chromebooks have special software installed called Smoothwall, which ensures that reports and screen captures are sent to senior leaders if a child tries to access an unsafe website, or if they use inappropriate language or try to view inappropriate images. These Chromebooks mean that children can access the internet through Wi-Fi at home, and can complete independent work at home. Most classes have access to Google Classroom, where work can be set and viewed by their class teacher.

Quick Links:

Times Tables Rock Stars - Login Here

Early Years (Reception)

Key Stage 1 (Years 1 and 2)

Lower Key Stage 2 (Years 3 and 4)

Upper Key Stage 2 (Years 5 and 6)

Subject-Specific Websites

  • Maths:

  • English:

  • Science:

  • Computing:

    • Scratch (Learn coding through fun projects)
    • (Free coding activities for all ages)
    • Micro:bits (activities to develop coding and problem solving).
  • PE and Wellbeing:

  • RE (Christianity):
    • Visit RE
      Offers interactive resources and videos exploring Christian beliefs and traditions, suitable for upper primary pupils.
  • Learn Religions for Kids

    • Learn Religions - Kids Section
      Provides simple explanations of different world religions, great for primary-age pupils.
  • The Children’s Society - RE Resources

    • Explore RE Resources
      Activities focused on social justice, compassion, and moral lessons, designed for primary-aged pupils..
  • TrueTube (Upper KS2) TrueTube

    • Short films and videos exploring moral, social, and religious topics. Best for Year 5 and Year 6 pupils, with teacher guidance.
    • BBC Bitesize - RE KS1
    • BBC Bitesize - RE KS2
      Engaging videos, activities, and quizzes on major world religions, tailored for UK primary school pupils