Pupil Conduct-Trackit Lights
Trackit-Lights: A Whole-School Approach to Behaviour
We believe in fostering a positive and supportive learning environment where all pupils can thrive. To achieve this, we have implemented a whole-school behaviour management system called Trackit-Lights. This system is consistently applied across all areas of the curriculum and is linked to our three Diamond Rules, which are:
- Show respect and good manners. This means behaving in a way that demonstrates that you recognise an individual's worth and value it, while being polite and helpful.
- Care for everyone and everything. This means treating all living things with kindness and compassion, while also being responsible for our own actions, taking care of our belongings, the school environment and the planet.
- Follow instructions with thought and care. This means listening carefully to instructions, following them thoughtfully, and asking for help if we need it.
Trackit-Lights is a four-tiered system that utilises colours to represent different levels of behaviour: red, green, orange, and yellow. All pupils can earn green points for demonstrating positive behaviour. The green points can be accumulated to earn certificates and other special rewards. These points are collected across the duration of the academic year.
Certificates & Rewards
Unacceptable behaviour that violates our school's Nelson Diamond Rules will result in a verbal warning as a first step. If the behaviour persists or becomes more serious, a yellow warning will be issued, which will involve a partial loss of break time. Continued misbehaviour will lead to a red warning on Trackit-Lights, resulting in a loss of 10 minutes at break time and the requirement to remain in the classroom under adult supervision. Children lose behaviour points because of consequences.
In cases of persistent poor conduct, pupils may be asked to complete a reflection form in a designated timeout area.
If a pupil continues to make poor choices, they may be referred to a member of the Senior Leadership Team for the rest of a morning or afternoon session. Parents will be informed of such referrals, and a letter will be sent home outlining the reasons for the pupil's removal from class.
In addition to these measures, children will also receive orange points for not being ready for learning. This includes not having their PE kit, wearing the wrong uniform, not having homework, or not bringing their reading book to school on the correct day. These orange behaviours incur a small reduction in points.
Children enjoy earning points towards the different tiers of rewards, and these rewards are announced in our weekly merit assemblies. This is a great way to celebrate positive behaviour and motivate pupils to continue making good choices.
We believe that Trackit-Lights is an effective and fair system that promotes positive behaviour and helps our pupils reach their full potential. Feedback from our pupils shows that they really love trackitlights!
Please also refer to our Behaviour Policy